Motherhood is Hard - Not Pitiful!

Can we drop the idea that if a woman is happy at home with her kids then it has to mean either:

  1. She has the perfect life

  2. Her Husband is making loads of money

  3. She has an easy life

  4. Or that she was in some way persuaded or made to believe by her husband’s (or someone else's) fancy that THIS is the life for her.

It's offensive and extremely misguided to believe that a mother had not or could not come to the realization that, motherhood is her highest purpose, on her own.

Plenty of mothers have come to an understanding and an agreement with God the creator - and that’s what gives them their strength. This “understanding” is what I will shed a bit more light on below.

Eggs From One Basket

A woman does not need convincing to understand that motherhood is the highest God-given purpose for a woman. In fact there is convincing that has to be done otherwise. I cannot count how many times I’ve heard someone try to convince me to pursue something else outside of motherhood. This is putting aside the fact that plenty of the things I do within motherhood, are greatly useful outside motherhood as well.

Still, these well meaning comments are made to convince a mother to safeguard her “self” outside of motherhood, as if her “self” should for some reason stay separate from her duty to mother. There’s no other duty in the world that requires you to be responsible for the upbringing and outcome of your very own flesh and blood created from your womb. How could you possible remove your “self” from that equation?! It requires your whole self because you are the best candidate for the job.

Payment for Motherhood

Yes, for all those who don't have children, raising children is hard. There are no manuals, everyone's doing it differently and it seems to be changing with each generation.

What remains consistent is the structure God gave to the family unit. Father, Mother, Children.. if all else fails, it should be greatly known that a father’s provisions and a mother’s care should be the main ingredients to make a home for children.

Children will not know right from wrong and God made it so parents are the natural teachers. This job is salaried in the means of money but instead with that of your child's unconditional love and loyalty to you. That is how God made it.

Your payment in cuddles and all those special moments, does not change that motherhood (and parenthood in general) is hard. But here's the kicker, life is hard. God, while providing all the means for us to live a fruitful life, did not once say it will be easy.

Agreement Signed with God In Mind

As Dewayne from Dry Creek Wrangler school said in his recent video, Life Is Hard, it is our allotment” - from the very first sin in the garden, God gave us a life for which we must work hard for. Too many of us (including myself) seek comfort and convenience and are too used to having it - and that's a problem.

But I noticed when someone deals with their hardships in a way that is natural and godly, such as in peace and quiet, with honor, then other people feel that they need to step in as this person's voice. It happens the same with Motherhood. Mother's who understand their role is honorable, do not need or want a voice advocating for worldly freedoms they’re not even seeking.

Motherhood is hard, but I along with many mothers, do not need to speak against motherhood because we know it is our allotment. So do not pity me and do not see me as oppressed. My life is often not comfortable or convenient but it is not supposed to be. I tip my hat to mothers turning away from the world because the world does not love you, they may pity you, but it’s just because they do not understand what you and God have agreed upon.


A “Good Mom’s Guide” to Self-Care WITH Your Kids- 10 Easy Ways!