In  2015, I began my journey to clear up an autoimmune disease presenting as an all-over body rash. From the moment I began learning about how to heal my body naturally, I never stopped!

Jones Heart and Home touches on topics including, vitamins, herbs, gut and brain health, living to 100, and the choices that will get me there. Along the way, being a Good Mom is at the forefront of my daily decision making.

Each moment and choice we encounter, is an opportunity to choose better. That’s how I live my life, that’s what I want my children to remember about me and embody in themselves, and that’s what my blog represents.

A place where I show up, good days, and bad, and aim to be better than I was yesterday. A place where you encounter new ideas and opinions, new concepts and ways of living, and are able to become better than you were because of it.

Faith Angelica Jones Faith Angelica Jones

Motherhood is Hard - Not Pitiful!

Mothers, who understand their role as honorable, do not need or want a voice advocating for certain worldly freedoms they’re not even seeking. My life is often not comfortable or convenient but please do not pity me or see me as oppressed because while motherhood is hard, I understand that it is my God-given allotment.

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A “Good Mom’s Guide” to Self-Care WITH Your Kids- 10 Easy Ways!

With the potential for stress levels to raise high each day in mom life, it’s important to have a toolbox of ways to combat and calm that stress. Involving your child in self-care activities is not only good for your health but also helps you be the best mom through much loved bonding time.

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Intentional Parenting, Holistic Health Angelica Jones Intentional Parenting, Holistic Health Angelica Jones

A “Good Mom’s Guide” to Improving Your Child’s Mood with Vitamins

An overwhelming number of parents today face immense pressure, raising a healthy child in an increasingly toxic social environment. On top of this, it seems the rate of childhood behavioral impairments and issues are increasing as well, and most parents are unable to identify the root cause, while not considering the possibility of a nutritional connection.

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In The Kitchen Angelica Jones In The Kitchen Angelica Jones

Deliciously Gluten-Free: 12+ Recipes For You to Try Today!

Cravings for something sweet can hit at any time and for those of us who are intentional about how much sugar we eat, or how our bodies react to gluten, it’s hard to just grab any treat or dessert if the ingredients aren’t right. This post will share the ingredients to keep in your home if you want to make MOST gluten free desserts or treats from home, as well as my favorite “go-to” gluten-free desserts that I’ve actually baked over the years and that always turn out yummy!

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Faith Angelica Jones Faith Angelica Jones

My Faith Story

My faith weaves every piece of my life together. You can read about who I am, how I see my life, how I see my Husband, and my belief that it is all for something much greater than myself.

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Holistic Health Angelica Jones Holistic Health Angelica Jones

My Health Story

I used to have rashes all over my body that caused me so much discomfort, embarrassment and shame. I would cry from how bad the itch was.. but I was resolved to find a remedy aside from the steroid cream the dermatologist prescribed. I changed my diet and lifestyle and I share with you all the details!

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What's Your Homeschool Style? Take the Quiz!

Unschooling, Charlotte Mason, Classical? Do you know yourself and your homeschooling style AT ALL?! I thought I did, but I learned some new things about homeschooling and opened myself to new ways I showing up for my children, as well as let go of some stress I previously held around homeschooling. It’s a journey, taking this short quiz, helped me get started!

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8 Simple Tips For Stress-Free Bedtime With Your Toddler

Getting your toddler to bed without fuss can feel impossible and even give you anxiety leading up to the time. When every night feels like a battle there’s a simple solution to help get your little one down more peacefully: create a routine. Establishing a consistent sequence of events, ideally beginning 1.5 hours before actual sleep time, can help to walk your toddler gently to bedtime, instead of rush them while you’re feeling overwhelmed and done with the day.

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Holistic Health Angelica Jones Holistic Health Angelica Jones

What is Leaky Gut and What I Did to Get Better

I had chronic, itchy rashes all over my body and I healed myself! I had an autoimmune dis-ease and I was committed to better nutrition, supplementing and fasting/detox protocols… and guess what, I don’t experience psoriasis rashes any more! I’ve included a Free PDF guide for you to download to see what I was eating to heal my autoimmune disease.

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