10 of the Best Candy Alternatives For Kids on Holidays
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Crunchy moms come in all forms, some of us look out for different allergens than others, some ONLY want homemade and no prepackaged goods touching down in their little babe’s bellies, and some crunchy moms don’t even want their child watching Disney or knowing those characters and some mom still loves it and allow it.
At the very LEAST, we crunchy moms do not want to knowingly give our children chemicals and toxins, including artificial coloring or dyes, corn syrups, preservatives, and more. With so many holidays to contend with, we need to be ready to combat treats, candies, and snacks that although popularized, have horrible ingredients'; some are even banned in other countries! This includes Nestle, Hershey’s, Skittles, Kit Kat, Butterfingers, Jelly Bellys, Airheads, Jolly Ranchers, etc. There are plenty more.
With birthdays having pinatas, goodie bags, or a snack table, and Holidays like Halloween, Easter, or Valentine’s Day, being major candy-giving holidays, we must find a way to cope with the potential inundation of mainstream popular candies filled with chemicals and dyes. In this post, I share good alternative candy options but I also give you an example of how to address this situation with your children because as they grow, we cannot keep things from them, we must include them in the conversation so they are equipped to make their own choices.
Talking to Your Child
What we eat and put into our body directly affects our mood, behaviors, and long term health.
My goal is to give my children the very best understanding of the world around them so they can feel confident in using their own discernment as they grow older. If I can prevent them from being lured towards or influenced by something that is unhealthy for them, I will do my best. This applies to my child's understanding of why we choose the best alternative to toxic candy and snacks, rather than me just telling him “we do it this way because I said so and that’s that.” I don’t find that helpful or empowering in this instance.
It’s good to talk to your kids about why you choose the life you do for them. It’s important children understand why you are saying “no” to something. The more you talk with your children, the more they will grow to understand and use your same rhetoric to explain to others why they do not make certain choices. The better you are able to explain to your child, the better your child will latch on to the ideas and trust them.
Below is an example of how I address my toddler about the topic of us choosing alternative candy, treats, and snacks and why we sometimes do not eat things even if other people are eating them.
ME: …Well as a family, we all do not eat certain things, like that candy (give a specific example). Do you know why?
What for reply… listen.. Respond with the full answer to round out their understanding.
ME: Well most of them have chemicals and toxins and a TON of sugar. Do you know what these things do in your body?
What for reply… listen.. Respond with the full answer to round out their understanding.
ME: Yes, and these chemicals, colors, and sugar are NOT the best nutrients for your body. Your body needs the BEST vitamins and nutrients to work the very best! You know when you’re climbing at the park, or playing ball or dancing around (insert activity they love to do), your body is using all the great vitamins you give it from the foods you eat. Those good vitamins help you to FEEL GOOD!
Now, here you want to flip the balance so they understand both sides of the coin.
ME: Now you know when you’re feeling overwhelmed, or sad, or angry (insert a personal event that they might remember feeling big emotions and not feeling their best), I remember that was hard for you and you felt yucky.. Well your body needs LOVE, and good WATER, and the SUN, and good vitamins and nutrients to help it to feel better. Do you think you get enough of the good stuff in your body every day?!
What for reply… listen.
ME: Just know I will always help you and give you the GOOD things for your body so you can feel your BEST. This helps you to PLAY and be HAPPY!
I tell my son that sometimes kids act different than him because they need better vitamins and nutrients in their bodies and however you feel about that can not be my concern because I need my son to understand that what we eat and put into our body, directly affects our mood, behaviors, and long term health.
Candy Alternatives
Below is a list of healthier alternatives to mainstream candy. Please still use your discernment as the parent, as these are not treats to give in an unlimited fashion, but rather somewhere better to begin.