10 Underrated Newborn Registry Items

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I'm sure you see a ton of lists online, sharing what newborn babies need. So how are you to cut through all the clutter? Each registry recommendation is personal to every mom.

What if momma genuinely feels she needs the best quality newborn items and then she actually uses it all?! That’s right for her and good on her for knowing how to prepare!

What about the mom who can only afford the basics and still wants to be fully prepared? There are moms all along the spectrum.

This list below is for you if you're looking for the things your newborn baby will need without the fluff. You will find registry items that will actually be useful for that 0-3month age, and beyond.

The list below does not include diapers, wipes, clothes, a car seat, or a stroller. Please don't forget these things!

10 Things You Need For a Newborn

  1. White Noise Speaker w/ night light

    For those night wakings in the beginning, to change diapers, feed the baby and more, a small night light helps to keep the room dark enough for a sleep environment but light enough to see what you're doing. The white noise option really helps to break through any noise that may wake the baby. The Frida white noise speaker helps us to keep a consistent sleep environment for our newborn when traveling.

  2. Reusable Baby Wipes / Towels

    Soft as all get out for baby's new skin! Great for wiping up messes and as a bathtime wash towel. You might be looking for something around you to sop up some messes last minute, calling for someone to bring you a towel! Haha just be prepared with a small pack, it’ll make your nerves happy.

  3. Nose Picker

    Okay is this essential? Well if your baby had a booger (and they will).. will you be okay seeing your sweet cherub’s cute chunky nose stuffed with a boogie that will decide to leave on its own time because your fingers are just too big to remove it? You decide!

  4. Boppy Pillow

    Sweet, comfy spot for newborns to lay, great support for your arms as you nurse, and a place for baby to learn to sit up and raise their head during tummy time. You can buy two covers and switch them out. We bought the fleece soft cover to mimic mommy’s soft skin.

  5. Swing/Seat

    Any swing or seat will do as a good place to put baby during their short waking period. I was gifted ours and this was never a huge priority for me so I can’t say much to the different options but I CAN say the swing seat he helped us tremendously.

  6. Hair Brush

    Maybe not the most essential, but you’ll need it eventually and the sooner you start fussing around with your baby’s hair, the better they’ll fare as they get older, having been literally groomed to get their hair done from birth.

  7. Nail Clipper + Filer set

    Your baby’s nails grow fast and you’ll be sad to see their little face with accidental scratches if you’re not keeping up with nail maintenance.

  8. Mittens

    These help for those face scratches I was mentioning, but also for colder indoor temperatures. A baby usually sleeps better when they’re all covered up, feeling warm and cuddly.

  9. Baby Carrier

    When you have multiples, a baby carrier or wrap is a lifesaver. You’re able to comfort your baby while having access to both of your arms! The things you can do then are endless!

  10. Changing pad

    Essential for traveling with your baby. A changing pad will help you to be sure your baby has a germ-free place to lay. We like the foldable one with pockets but while it is water resistant, that plastic type material gets cold, so we add a small towel as a top layer so our baby’s skin doesn’t have to directly lay on the cold plastic. If baby does pee on the towel, then it simply goes in the washer.

Follow this link to find everything on this list on Amazon:

baby peekaboo white blanket

This is a bare minimum list for newborn needs and it may not be the frilliest, funnest list but it serves its purpose to help you to get prepared with the items you may not have thought would be helpful but are truly worth mentioning!

Also, it’s interesting as first time moms, we think we need everything but the reality ends up being different.

What was something you thought you definitely needed for your newborn but never used? Or what was something you didn’t even think you needed at all but ended up getting anyways?! Share in the comments. :)

You’ve got this!

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